Texas Tax Group

Are You Personally Liable for Fraudulent Tax Evasion?

Section 111.0611: Personal Liability for Fraudulent Tax Evasion I prefer to call it the ‘Personal Officer Fraud’ Tax Code Section. Either way, you have probably never heard of this tax law unless you or your client has received some type Texas Comptroller Notification...

The Texas Comptroller Managed Audit Program: A Win-Win Scenario

The Managed Audit Program (MAP) was initiated by the Texas Comptroller’s Office in 1999 in order to allow qualifying businesses to conduct quasi self-audits with minimal input from the Texas Comptroller’s Office. The benefit to the Comptroller’s Office and the State are significant cost savings because less resources are being expended. Find out about the numerous business benefits.

Sales Tax and Midstream Oil and Gas Companies

In Texas oil and gas is primarily moved by pipeline. Texas has over 425,000 miles of pipelines within its borders that represent about 1/6 of the total pipeline structure in the United States. The Pipeline safety department of the Texas Railroad Commission is charged with the responsibility of enforcing compliance with federal and state laws and regulation by the more than 1,485 pipeline operators in Texas of intrastate gathering, transmission, distribution and master-metered systems.

Why am I Being Audited?

You just received notification that your business has been selected for a Texas Comptroller state tax examination. Unless you have been through the audit process before, you probably have lots of questions and concerns.

Buyer Beware: State Tax Consultants Who Charge a Flat Fee

You’ve heard it before. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Some Texas state tax consultants promise to take care of your entire audit (including both the field audit as well as the highly complex and time consuming Administrative Hearings process) for a single flat fee. DON’T BELIEVE IT!