Texas State Tax Audit: How to Prepare for the Entrance Conference

When it comes to your Texas state tax audit–preparation is key. By planning ahead for your first contact with the auditor, you can get a clear picture of where your business stands and prevent many mistakes from turning into serious issues.

That’s why our team of former state tax auditors and state tax experts have created this guide to help you prepare for your first meeting with the auditor called the Entrance Conference.

In this guide you’ll learn:

  • The importance of a game plan
  • Why you need to perform a pre-audit examination
  • Tips to manage the audit
  • And more!

We hope you find this helpful. If you have any questions regarding your audit, auditor or audit process, reach out to Texas Tax Group. We’re a team of 15+ former Texas Comptroller state tax auditors and state tax experts. We work hand in hand with tax managers and business owners (and their CPAs) to get the best possible results. Contact us at 855-TX-AUDIT (855-892-8348) to schedule a free 20-minute consultation today!